Newsletter 6, Term 3 Week 3 2024

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

Newsletter 6, Term 3 Week 3

Wednesday 07 August 2024

Urgent Help Required

Email if you are able to help with any of the following:

  • Hangi helpers – Saturday from 11.30am for food preparation and assembly (bring your favourite peeler or vege knife), hoping to finish no later than 4pm.  Then Sunday from 3pm to bag orders ready for collection.  Email, further details below.
  • Patrols are you available to assist before or after school offering adult supervision to our road patrollers at the crossing in fornt of school?  Even once a week would be much appreciated!
  • Claire, our super libarian, needs help with covering library books.  We have received some large donations of really great books, which we need help processing so our students can enjoy these.

We began our new term with a visit from the wonderful NZ Playhouse theatre group who performed “The Reluctant Dragon”.  To watch a sea of faces absolutely captivated by the storyline and the talented actors was a sight to behold – for many children, this was their first experience of live theatre. We now have small groups of students creating their own plays so that they can share these at school assemblies. This is what learning is all about at Rewa Rewa School – having a joy for learning, finding your passions and being exposed to new experiences. Welcome back to Term 3!

Community Coming Together – Hangi This Sunday 11 August

There are only 20 left for ordering – don’t miss out! If you have never experienced working on a marae before, we encourage you to give it a go – even if you can only spare a couple of hours!  Please email Leanna at to offer help or place your order (payment is due no later than tomorrow). Our huge thanks to Leanna Miratana and Sophie Gates for organising this amazing fundraiser, which will go towards the purchase of new uniforms for our kapa haka performance group. Full details below.

Curriculum @ RRS

Every parent should have received their child’s class newsletter over the last week. These are sent out at the beginning and end of each term so that parents can read about the curriculum areas covered and view some of the learning which has taken place throughout the term. Each term we cover all curriculum areas, but have a major focus on 2 areas. This term it is Social Sciences (through the Olympics), and Science. Literacy and Maths are always a high priority each term in every classroom.

Our students love to learn about different cultures and last week was Cook Islands language week. The theme for the year ahead is “Ātui’ia au ki te vaka o tōku matakeinanga”, which means “Connect me to the canoe of my tribe”. At Rewa Rewa School we have enjoyed including music from the Cook Islands in our learning. Well done Tai Te Ariki for beating the drum and to Ada and Dison for leading the singing.

Health & PE @ RRS

Part 2 of our RSE programme will begin this term in Week 6. Check communications from your child’s class teacher about the topics to be covered and to view the lesson plans. We have been very humbled by the amazing feedback received from our families about delivery of the term 2 programme, as well as the organisation undertaken to support this – thank you!

Yesterday, every parent/caregiver was emailed the 2024 Community Health Survey asking our families which topics or aspects of our health & wellbeing curriculum you value most. This consultation is required to be undertaken by all primary schools in NZ every 2 years.

We are one of about 80 schools who are participating in a trial which uses NZ-authored picture books and lessons specifically designed to build resilience in our students, for times such as when they feel anxious or unsure. As part of this trial, ‘before and after’ findings using student voice will be gathered and analysed by a team of health experts.

IT and Keeping Our Children Safe

We emailed an invitation from Newlands Intermediate School to all Yr 4-6 parents/caregivers last week, to an event featuring John Parsons, an expert on how to keep your children safe in a digital world. We highly recommend that you attend this event – arrive early, as there will be parents from across the cluster attending.

On that note, we placed information on our closed school Facebook page recently about an incident in the local area regarding a child being approached by a stranger to get into their car. We ask that families discuss a plan with their children for keeping themselves safe what they are walking to/from school or playing in local parks. We recommend that you teach your child their address, at the very least and make sure they have your telephone number in their schoolbag so that, in an emergency, you can be contacted. We are astounded by the high number of students (even seniors) who do not know their address or how to get home from school and have no idea what their parents’ phone numbers are!

Welcome to Gabriel, Pahal and Pax and their families, who have joined us this term.  We hope you enjoy learning with us!

Property Developments

Protecting the Viability of Our School – Principal’s Comment

As previously communicated by our board, we are expecting a temporary modular building to be placed on our lower field later this year. All going to plan, this will give us 2 classrooms to use immediately and free up our Hall/Library space, whilst we continue to work with Ministry representatives on a long-term plan. In the meantime, school is still to hear from the Ministry as to whether they intend to proceed with reducing our zone, the purpose of which is to decrease our roll from 175 to 125. The effect of such a decision would have a major impact on our school viability, as it would reduce funding, reduce staffing and remove streets that are currently in our zone, affecting families of current students who have younger siblings. Please keep an eye out for further communications from your board, as we will need strong support from our community if this directive proceeds.

Top Field Development

Our student leaders have worked hard to undertake trials using the Bike Track and we are ready to start offering this as a weekly activity for those keen to bring their bikes, scooters, skates or skateboards. As from next week, Juniors (NE-Yr 3) can bring their wheels on Tuesdays and Seniors (Yr 4-6) on Fridays. Students will read the Bike Track Noticeboard each week to check which type of wheels can be brought that week. All participants must wear helmets, other safety gear is optional. We have brand new helmets which we can be loaned to students for use during the session.

The Bike Track Committee is also drawing up a list of the final tasks that need to be undertaken – expect to hear about a work party soon! We need painters, builders and those who love doing a bit of concreting.

Al Pearce, Leanna Miratana and Jan Otene are currently meeting with various community groups and funding organisations who may be able to support us to complete our grass Athletics Track in the centre of the field.

Lights, Acoustics & Electrical Outlets

As part of the small schools/rural schools funding initiative, every light fitting on our school property has been changed to LED, all electrical outlets have RCD protection (safety cut-out switches), and the last of our classrooms has had acoustic panelling installed to dampen sound and reduce classroom ‘noise’ – what a difference this has made!

Student Toilet Block Upgrade

This is taking longer than expected, but progress is still being made.  We hope to celebrate completion this term!

Calendar Art Fundraiser

This term each of our tamariki will be creating beautiful artwork to be reproduced on fundraising calendars, greeting cards, diaries, mouse mats and sketch pads for purchase by their family.  Every order will raise money to support creative arts at RRS. Items cost $15-18 and make very popular gifts! Your child’s art will be available for you to view online through the Kids Art Works website early in Term 4, with information on how to order. Thank you for your support!

Kiera King, Arts Co-ordinator

Community Care

At our school we like to help families who are having a bit of a tough time. We always have spare food in our cupboards, so that no child ever goes hungry. If you would like to contribute to this, we would welcome donations of items such as snack bars, yoghurt pouches, small packs of biscuits/chippies/crackers, bread for the freezer, sandwich spreads (jam, peanut butter, Vegemite/Marmite etc.), which can be dropped off at the School Office.

Something we started a few years ago is a Hauora group. The co-ordinator has now moved on, so we are looking for someone to take this on. If you can help with this task please email or pop into the Office to have a chat. In the past, we have used this service to help families when they have suffered a bereavement, when they are managing a hospital admission or long-term illness, or when they just need a helping hand. Volunteer families let our co-ordinator know what they can help with when called upon, so that a co-ordinated response can be made within 12 hours of a call for assistance.  The co-ordinator makes contact with volunteer parents/caregivers, arranges a drop-off time to school and items are then delivered by the principal to ensure anonymity for all concerned. In the past, we have helped school families with prepared meals, baskets of grocery items and petrol vouchers. If you are aware of a school family who needs some help, please let us know via the Office.

A Message from the Rewa Rewa School Board

– Casual Board Vacancy, Apply Now!

We are seeking an enthusiastic member of our school community to join the board of Rewa Rewa School for the next 15 months, until the next board elections. We encourage anyone with a strong belief in diversity, our RIDE values and with possible experience in grant applications to  contact the presiding member, Miranda Zander (, to register your interest. Other board members are also available for you to have a general chat with. We meet twice each term on Tuesday evenings and at other times when the need arises. This is a great opportunity to guide the strategic direction of our wonderful kura.

A hangi is a traditional Māori cooking method from New Zealand. It involves cooking food in an earth oven. The process starts with heating stones in a fire, then placing the hot stones in a pit dug into the ground. Food is wrapped in leaves or cloth and placed on top of the hot stones. The pit is then covered with soil to trap the heat and steam, cooking the food slowly over several hours. The result is a flavorful and tender meal with a distinctive taste from the earthy cooking method.

Veggie and No-Pork options available.

Volunteers Required for Hangi!

If you are able to help with any of the tasks detailed below, please email

Saturday, 10/08/2024

– Start Time: 11:00 AM

– End Time: 06:00 PM

– Facilities: Kitchen


– Kai preparation: The more people helping, the quicker it will be achieved. Emphasising this as a wonderful cultural experience for all. If whānau can help please add in there contact Leanna on 021973200 so then I can ensure we have enough helpers. The Whānau that attended the Hui were keen so hopefully they can all come. 

– Food storage: Store food in fridges overnight

Sunday, 11/08/2024

– Start Time: 06:00 AM

– End Time:   6:00 PM

– Facilities: Grounds, Hangi Pit


– Early morning: Need a handful of strong men at 12pm  to put the hangi down.

– Afternoon: Help required to lift the hangi out.

– Late afternoon (around 5:00 PM TBC): 

  •  On Sunday, we’ll light the fire around 6.00am, no helpers needed at this time, as we only need two or three men to do it, surely we can find that amongst ourselves.
  • Around 12pm, we will put the hangi in the hole, we’ll need those strong men then to put it in the hole. At 4pm, we need those strong men again to take it out again. The Hangi will come out around 4.00 – 4.15 pm.
  • We then need to wrap the hangi and dish it out, so we need helpers for this too, it’s a bit of system.
  • Everyone will arrive from, 4.30pm to pick up.
  • A few (only 1 or 2 – anymore than that then you get hangi being handed out without knowing who too) handing them to the buyers. One person checking who has picked up their hangi (which is a huge help when you’re left at the end with hangi left, you’ll know exactly who hasn’t picked up), need quite a few putting them in their hot bags
  • Drive through or Foot collection – TBC some health and safety things to consider
  • Shared kai – During the Saturday as we prepare kai encourage whānau to bring a plate. 

Upcoming Events

Saturday 10 & Sunday 11 August

Tuesday 13 August            5.30pm

Thursday 22 August          10am start

Tuesday 10 September      5.30pm

Tuesday 24 September      5-6pm

Hangi Fundraiser

Board Meeting

Powhiri (arrive 15 minutes prior to start)

Board Meeting

Māori Hui

2024 Term Dates

Term 1

Thursday 01 February—Friday 12 April

Tuesday 06 February—Waitangi Day, School Closed

Friday 29 March—Good Friday, School Closed

Monday 01 April—Easter Monday, School Closed

Tuesday 02 April—Easter School Holiday

Term 2

Monday 29 April – Friday 05 July

Monday 03 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Tuesday 04 June—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Friday 28 June—Matariki, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September

Term 4

Monday 14 October – Tuesday 17 December (School closes at 1pm)

Monday 28 October—Labour Day, School Closed

Tuesday 29 October—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

If you are considering After School Care for Term 3, look no further!  Available onsite at Rewa Rewa School 3-6pm, Mon-Friday during term – enrol online with the Y.

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18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037