Newsletter 8, Term 3 Week 10 2024

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

Newsletter 8, Term 3 Week 10

Thursday 26 September 2024

Term 3 finishes at 3pm tomorrow, Friday 27 September.

We will welcome everyone back to school 9am, Monday 14 October.

Please email NOW if your child will be away any extra days.

We are not quite sure where term 3 has gone, however, we are taking this as a sign that we have been very busy at Rewa Rewa School! You will have read in your child’s classroom newsletter about all of the amazing learning opportunities which our tamariki have participated in over this term, including learning about bees, structured literacy, EPro8 technology challenges, resilience lessons and trips to the sports centre in Kilbirnie. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff and board for their amazing mahi to help our school shine. Have a well-deserved break and we will see you back for an exciting term 4, which will include dancing and tennis lessons, a trip to the zoo and a whole-school end of year celebration evening with our community. We will welcome everyone back to school Monday 24 October.


Activity Fee & Voluntary Donation Payments

Thank you to the many parents who have already made payment for Activity Fees and Voluntary Donations this year – we greatly appreciate your partnership with us and your financial commitment to your child’s education.  The great news is, there is still plenty of time for parents to complete this payment before the end of the year.  If you are not able to make a lump-sum payment, please consider setting up an AP of $5-10 per week to make this happen.  At Rewa Rewa School, we do not ask for payment at the time of each school trip or special event, this is covered by Activity Fee payments. Likewise, we do not exclude children whose families have not made payment, as we believe every child deserves to grow in knowledge and experience.  Rewa Rewa School reduced the Activity Fee and requested Voluntary Donation 10 years ago to reduce the burden to families and we have worked very hard to keep them at the same level as costs have increased. We ask that families please think very carefully about what they are able to contribute – even a little helps.

 Additional Classrooms Update

You may have noticed last week that temporary fencing has been installed around the bottom field area in preparation for our 2 modular classrooms being trucked onsite. The planned date for this is Friday 04 October, in the first week of the holidays. However, there will be a lot of activity around the construction site as from next Monday. This building will be trucked in 6 pieces and then carefully lifted into place by crane. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW YOUR CHILDREN ON THE LOWER (MAIN) SCHOOL SITE DURING THE HOLIDAYS WHEN WORK IS IN PROGRESS.  We are planning to unlock the pedestrian entry gate to the top field (near the top carpark), if you would like to use the bike track and also view the action from a safe distance! Once installed, the building will then need to wait for construction of outside balconies and building consent sign-off before we can step inside these classrooms. All going well, this might be mid-November. Having these modular classrooms will mean that the immediate pressure for space is alleviated and we will not need to use the hall as a classroom in 2025.

 Professional Development

This term, professional development has been undertaken by our teachers, teacher aides and board so that we have the best and most up to date knowledge and information, to enhance our decision-making and practice. Topics for teaching staff have included dyslexia, Structured Literacy, mathematical strategies, as well as Lego therapy and Spring into Maths (both of which are intervention programmes for target students).

LSC facilitators leading Lego upskilling

Free Easyswim Swimming lessons

There will be 8 free swimming lessons during school time in Term 4, starting in Week 1 – Seniors on Tuesdays and Junior classes on Thursdays.  Please make sure that your child has togs, towel and goggles each week.  It is vitally important that every child learn how to swim, to be safe around water.

Education Review Office (ERO) Partnership

Two weeks ago our ERO Partner, Jeanette Duffy, was at school for her second review visit. She spent time in our classrooms observing the skilful delivery of structured literacy and maths lessons to our amazing learners. The senior management team were also in discussion with Jeanette about the goals we will be setting in order to enhance student outcomes. This partnership will involve the school and ERO working together on a regular basis over the next few years.

Student Leaders

Our busy student leaders have been working hard each week to support our student community. This term they have been in charge of overseeing Wheels Day at lunchtimes on the top field. This involves managing loan helmets, taking bikes up and down the zigzag to the top field, having the first aid kit ready for the occasional scrape and checking out the newly connected water fountain! Our leaders also organised yesterday’s Wacky Hair Day, encouraging students to bring a can of food for either people or pets, so that we can give back to our local community. Next term, Juicies sales will be back – every Friday, starting Friday 25 October (Wk 2). Students can bring $2 (cash sales only), and order from the student leader in their classroom (3 flavours to choose from each week) – please make sure your child is at school before 9am to place their order and has the correct money. Profits from this fundraiser will be used to help children in need. Ka pai Ada, Arush, Hayley, Maryam, Michelle and Yassein.

Kapa Haka Festival

On Tuesday, in preparation for local Kapa Haka Festival on Friday 25 October, our amazing Kapa Haka Performance Group demonstrated their skills in our school assembly. Under the leadership of Whaea Danielle, they performed a stunning set of waiata, poi and haka. This year our boys will be debuting their new kapa haka uniform shirts, thanks to the recent hangi fundraising effort. Discussions are underway as to how our new girls’ uniforms will look – very exciting!

Work Party – Bike Track Completion

We have completed the basics, such as track construction, security cameras, lighting, storage, irrigation and water fountain – now all we need are the finishing touches. At the start of term 4 we will be having a working party day where we would like your help to paint ‘road markings’ and create fun signs and obstacles for our course. We have received an amazingly generous offer from a local hardware store, whose staff have offered to work on the garden feature of the track and possibly a few picnic tables. We would also be keen to hear from sponsors or fundraisers who could help us purchase a fleet of bikes and scooters, to enable children who do not have their own to learn to ride. At the start of term 4 we will be sending home a request with a list of tasks to put your name against. This will include kitchen heroes – those who can prepare or provide food and serve morning tea and/or lunch!

Term 4 Health & Safety Reminders

All students need to wear a wide-brimmed sunhat outside in terms 1 & 4. Please name your child’s hat and leave it at school (they are kept safely in class).  Otherwise,  without a hat, your child will be sitting in the shade for the duration of playtime and lunchtime. The school has a supply of sunscreen in classroom areas.  However, if you prefer your own brand, please put this into your child’s schoolbag for their use. Water bottles are also a must!

Please see Rewa Rewa School’s 2024-2026 Health & PE Statement below to find out more about how we work to promote health and wellbeing at Rewa Rewa School.

Student Lunches

Thank you to those who have donated items for student lunches, this is very much appreciated! This helps us to provide food at school for families needing a bit of assistance or children who have forgotten their lunch.  Keeping our bodies well-fuelled makes all the difference to being able to think and learn! If grocery-shopping is coming up and you would like to offer help towards student lunches, please email and we can let you know what we are particularly in need of at that time.

Welcome to Rehan, Hazel & Lam, along with this families.  We hope you enjoy learning at Rewa Rewa School.

Next term we are looking forward to welcoming 9 New Entrants in 9 weeks – watch this space!

Health Programmes Statement 2024 – 2026

Schools consult their communities on a 2 yearly cycle about Health programmes to ensure communities understand which Health programmes are offered within the curriculum, and that the school is offering the programmes that meet the needs of our school community.

The Health curriculum is closely linked to the Physical Education curriculum. Health Education covers:

  • Personal health / Hauora (well-being) / Mental health
  • Physical development
  • Relationships with other people
  • Food and nutrition
  • Sexuality education
  • Attitudes and values
  • Healthy communities – students contributing to healthy communities

At Rewa Rewa School, we usually take an integrated curriculum approach, meaning that health topics such as personal hygiene are taught either as part of our inquiry learning or through a unit of work. Using the 2024 survey feedback from our whānau, the trend that we notice is that Keeping Ourselves Safe, as well as the subtopics under mental health, are seen to be very important to include in our Health Programme.

Our participation in Resilience programmes is giving us valuable feedback about how students are coping with mental health issues such as feeling angry and being anxious. We intend to continue to include this topic within our health programme.

The introduction of the Relationships and Sexuality Education programme (RSE) in 2024 has been well received by our community and students with feedback indicating that the content values the diversity / voice of those within our community. We are expecting to continue to deliver this programme over the next 2 years however the Minister of Education has recently indicated that this programme is currently under review, in which case the outcome of this may impact on our current programme and its content.                

Our school values of R.I.D.E. (Respect, Integrity, Diversity and Empathy) are taught to our students. They guide how we believe that we should treat each other, regardless of whether we are a child or an adult. The definitions for each value were modified (2022) after gaining student voice and are written using child-friendly language. Social and Mental Health skills such as how to deal with conflict and manage relationships are woven into programmes such as the Resilience and Life Education Trust programmes.

Our Active Learner skills where students develop strategies to build their confidence and self – awareness skills is currently due for review. We report against these skills to parents each year by including this information in student ‘end of year’ school reports.

EOTC week is held each year for all yr 1- 6 students where students practice keeping themselves safe, learn about the benefit of health initiatives available in the local community and how to build their skills when being challenged e.g. kayaking. For our senior students we aim to offer a bi-ennial off-site camp (either yr 5 – 6 or only yr 6 students, depending on composite class organisation and year level numbers). The puberty education programme is usually introduced at the same time. Camps are very dependent on whether we have staff available who have the skills and expertise to lead this event as well as factors such as funding and parent volunteers.

Our Health & PE programmes are enhanced by using outside providers e.g. in 2024 these have included The Resilience programme, Easyswim swimming lessons (terms 1 & 4), gymnastics, futsal, ki o rahi, badminton, tennis, touch rugby and dance. Funding for these programmes ranges from sponsorship, sports grants, the school subsidising or very occasionally on a user-pays basis.

Where we have enough interest and students at the appropriate year level, we also enter team sports such as soccer, cricket, touch rugby as well as individual competitive sports such as cross country, swimming and athletics. These are heavily dependent on the support offered by our community for tasks such as coaching, volunteers for sports teams such as team managers, transport as well as fundraising for uniforms and equipment. The school board often pays for relievers so that lead teachers can attend events to support their teams.

In 2024 – 2026 our aim is to continue to select programmes and opportunities that link to the areas identified as being of high priority by our community i.e. mental health, personal relationships, wellbeing, the importance of movement / fitness as well as personal safety.


Jan Otene (Principal)

Upcoming Events

Friday 25 October

Tuesday 29 October – Friday 01 November

11 November

Newlands Kapa Haka Festival

Scholastic Book Fair in the Hall

School Photos

2024 Term Dates

Term 1

Thursday 01 February—Friday 12 April

Tuesday 06 February—Waitangi Day, School Closed

Friday 29 March—Good Friday, School Closed

Monday 01 April—Easter Monday, School Closed

Tuesday 02 April—Easter School Holiday

Term 2

Monday 29 April – Friday 05 July

Monday 03 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Tuesday 04 June—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

Friday 28 June—Matariki, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 22 July – Friday 27 September

Term 4

Monday 14 October – Tuesday 17 December (School closes at 1pm)

Monday 28 October—Labour Day, School Closed

Tuesday 29 October—Teacher Only Day, School Closed

2025 Term Dates

Term 1

Monday 03 February—Friday 11 April
Thu 06 February—Waitangi Day, School Closed

Term 2

Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June

Mon 02 June—King’s Birthday, School Closed

Tue 03 June—Teacher Only Day TBC

 Fri 20 June—Matariki, School Closed

Term 3

Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September

Term 4

Monday 06 October – Thursday 18 December (School closes at 1pm)

                      Monday 27 October—Labour Day, School Closed

                      Tuesday 28 October—Teacher Only Day TBC


Beyond the Page is back for a seventh year! During the next school holidays, from 28 September – 13 October, you are invited to libraries across the Wellington region for over 120 awesome and totally FREE events for tamariki and their whānau. From interactive storytimes with Orchestra Wellington and the NZSO, workshops with award-winning authors and illustrators like Paul Beavis, Steve Mushin, and Isobel Te Aho-White, and classes on how to become a D&D Dungeon Master, through to meet-and-greets with Llamas at the Llibrary, immersive theatre experiences, and even the chance to create your own Alien Junk Monster – there’s something for everybody at this year’s festival.

All events are free, but some require registration as space may be limited. Find out more, and view the entire calendar of events, at”

Here are some other resources you’re welcome to make use of or share with your communities:

The Kids Kaukau Challenge is a kid-focused event for the whole family to enjoy on 10 November 2024. Hosted by Khandallah School but open to all! Like other school fairs and community events, families from other schools are warmly invited to join in.


This is a fun run/walk/skip/dance up to the summit of Mt Kaukau. Registered participants get their own race bibs and timing chips. It’s all about participation and giving it a go! A small fair on the school grounds contains family fun, raffles and lucky balloons,  food stalls, a bake sale, and a cafe. We want to get the kids to the top, so we can celebrate them at the bottom!


Registrations are now open to anyone aged between 5 to 15 years. Children under 8 must be accompanied by a support person over 16.


Registration until the 31st of October costs $25.00 per participant and includes a personalized bib. Additional children from the same family get a $5 discount, so the registration costs only $20 each. Click +ADD ANOTHER REGISTRANT to add multiple people to your registration.


Late registrations from November 1st onwards, cost $35.00 and the bib is not personalized. Additional children from the same family continue to get a $5 discount.

Get Kids Moving, Learning, and Thriving at Bigair Gym!

Is your child keen to learn cartwheels, handstands, flips, trampolining tricks, or parkour? Bigair Gym is the ultimate place to explore these skills and more! Classes combine fun, focus, and fitness in a supportive environment where kids can build confidence and master new techniques. Catering to all levels, from beginners to advanced, with safety and technique prioritized.

At Bigair Gym, kids participate in structured classes with a 1-10 level program, designed to encourage progress, celebrate milestones, and promote achievement. A variety of classes are offered, including Gymnastics, Trampolining, Tumbling, Free Running (parkour with flips and tricks!), and Cheerleading. Weekend Birthday Parties are also available and highly popular!

Bookings are now open for Bigair Gym’s popular Holiday Programme, with both full and half-day sessions available. Spaces are limited, so book online today to secure a spot. It’s the perfect opportunity for children to stay active and have fun during the holiday break.

Join Bigair Gym and watch your child thrive!

Booking online for Term 4 & the Holiday Programme is quick and easy at

Bigair Gym Tawa: ph. 232 3508, e. at 10b Surrey Street, Tawa.

Junior Softball

Register now for Softball 5 – 15 years at or contact, by Friday 30th September 2024. Check out Johnsonville Softball Club on Facebook, or contact Andrew on 021 745311 for more information.

The FREE KiwiSchools Connect app for Rewa Rewa School is available in both the App and Play Store.  Download it now to access all the features of our website via your mobile device.

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Call us on 04 939 0186
18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037