31 October 2022
Update on Current Covid-19 Policy
Dear Parent/Caregivers
As at today, we are aware of 1 positive Covid-19 case within our school and a small number of Household Contacts.
Under current Ministry of Health guidelines, positive cases must isolate at home for 7 days, starting at Day 0 on the day that they test positive. if your child tests positive, please email office@rewarewa.school.nz immediately, so that we can work with you to calculate their return to school date.
If your child is a Household Contact they must test daily for 5 days from the first positive test result in their house.
Rewa Rewa School’s current Covid-19 policy is that the school may choose to use masks if our risk assessment determines it is appropriate. We have assessed the risk for our classes and determined that Household Contacts must wear a mask if they are attending school within their 5-day testing period. We recommend that Household Contacts remain at home during their 5-day testing to help prevent the risk of spreading the virus amongst teachers and other students. As the swimming pool is a crowded indoor environment, Household Contacts will not be able to participate in school swimming lessons within their 5-day testing period.
The school will continue to follow Ministry of Health guidelines regarding sanitation and ventilation.
If we continue to work together, we hope to be able to keep school open and fully staffed this term.
Nga mihi,
Jan Otene (Principal)