#5 Covid-19 Community Newsletter

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

#5 Covid-19 Delta Level 2 Community Newsetter

Friday 10 September 2021

Dear Parents & Caregivers

As we reach the weekend prior to returning for our first full week at school, my team and I wanted to shout out ALOUD – GOLD medal to all of our parents!

On top of life’s usual daily challenges, many of you have risen to the occasion to bat the curve balls thrown at us. You may have also found that sometimes you don’t always hit the target exactly right, even though you tried. I can say that throughout lockdown, my team and I have worked hard to try to field all the balls needed to support our community. Our thoughts and aroha continue to be with those currently in Level 4 lockdown (Auckland), who are still working to reach levels 3 and 2. We are so lucky in live in Wellington.

My teachers have asked me to pass on their huge thanks to those who have taken the time to offer wonderful feedback over this time. We feel so proud to know that our parents have appreciated both the high quality of online learning programmes and the acts of kindness the team has undertaken to support our families. We would like to take this opportunity to express our HUGE appreciation to all of our families for the hard mahi that you have contributed. We congratulate you for collectively ‘batting’ in the right direction.

Today, as we make final preparations for the week ahead, the teaching team have looked back at what has been undertaken this term and reflected on our own wellbeing – was it 5 –  ‘I feel fantastic, bring it on’,  3 – ‘I’m tired, but I’ve done a great job’ or 1 – ‘I’ve worked hard, but my own bucket is empty and I just need a hug’.

Whatever YOUR check-in number is today, we encourage you to acknowledge this and during the weekend do something that brings joy, so that you can either refill your own bucket or someone else’s.

We look forward to seeing you all next week – just know that your teaching and support team continue to be here for you.

Nga mihi

Jan Otene


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18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037