WCC Waste Heroes Programme
Our WCC programme is really ramping up with free music classes for every child in the school over the last 3 weeks. Together, our students have been creating a music video about waste and how to Reduce waste, Reuse and Recycle. You can view the finished video on www.musicvideoeducation.com Waste Red/Learn Rewa Rewa School – great work everyone! Our huge thanks to the Wellington City Council for this wonderful (free) community programme.
Celebrating Our Diverse Community
We have families at our school who come from a wide range of countries from all around the globe, many of whom speak languages other than English. These include Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, the Cook Islands, Egypt, England, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, Malaysia, Nigeria, Niue, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Samoa, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tonga and Vietnam.
We recognize that sometimes it can be hard to find ways of meeting others in our community so we have two events on the calendar for this term to encourage our families to meet each other. They are:
- Later this term we will be having a celebration evening that we hope all our families will attend. The purpose of this will be to meet each other, celebrate our uniqueness e.g. by wearing national costumes (if you’re lucky enough to have one), bring food to share, perform a song or dance or just tell your story about where you come from.
- We are starting a Friendship Club – 2.30pm each Wednesday afternoon in the staffroom. We welcome any of our parents to meet each over a cuppa and biscuit to make connections – we would love to see you there. If there is a parent who would like to be the host for this, we would love to hear from you.
Board of Trustees News
3-Way Interviews
We had an amazing turnout last week for our 3-Way Parent/Student/Teacher interviews. Developing a sound home and school partnership is the key to our students’ success. Some of the data gathered from this evening:
Whero 96% turnout
Kowhai 90% turnout
Kahurangi 79% turnout
Māori 18/22 turnout
Pasifika 7/9 turnout
Thank you to our teaching team for the huge number of hours you put into preparing for these and for making yourselves available for an additional 8 hours over two evenings.
Mid-Year Data
Curriculum leaders presented Mid-Year Data to the Board at Tuesday night’s meeting in Reading, Writing and Maths. Overall, the Board is very pleased with the progress being made across the school and noted we are on target to reach our goals by the end of the year. The results, in general:
88% of students are working At or Above their expected curriculum level
83% of Māori students
100% of Pasifika students
90% of students are working At or Above their expected curriculum level
87% of Māori students
100% of Pasifika students
89% of students are working At or Above their expected curriculum level
82% of Māori students
100% of Pasifika students
Parents are welcome to email office@rewarewa.school.nz for a copy of the full board report.
Māori Tikanga and Te Reo
As part of our commitment to the Treaty of Waitangi, and acknowledgement of our tangata whenua, the Board is undertaking training each meeting to develop their own knowledge of te ao Māori. This includes writing our own mihi, learning the school’s karakia and opening our meetings with a whakatoki. We are using the Hautū Review tool to measure our progress against the area of cultural responsiveness so that we can identify how we, as elected representatives, can improve our service to the community that we proudly serve.