Property Developments
Over the term 2 holidays expect to see diggers and trucks onsite at school. We are expecting
that 5 shade sails will be erected and that new fencing will begin to appear. It will feel a bit different having fences where we have never had them before. However, we have tried to keep these to a minimum, whilst ensuring that they keep students safely onsite during the day. People using the gates will just need to remember to close them!
Teacher Only Day reminders
The two 2020 professional development dates to upskill our teachers in ‘Learning through Play’ and ‘DIMC maths’ are being held on:
- Friday 3 July (last week of term 2)
- Monday 20 July (first week of term 3)
A reminder that school will not be open for instruction on either of these days.
Physical Education @ Rewa Rewa
An 8 week gymnastics programme, operated by Easyswim, is being offered to all students at our school and they are loving it.
The school has just purchased over $1000 worth of PE gear, including basketballs and volleyballs, to support our class PE programmes and lunchtime games in term 3.
Next term training for school and local region cross country events will begin.
Student Leaders
Ananyaa, Clara, Mathius, Pranesh, Raffy and Shadaye are our school leaders. They have been busy trying to think of ways to add value within our school to help others. They have organised Wheels Day Wednesdays and can be seen in action each week running this for students. Their next event will be to help organise a celebration FUN Day on the final Thursday of this term. They will be helping their teachers to organise a range of activities, so expect to hear how this will look for your child’s class very soon.
Patrol & Road Safety
Our patrol team continue to be gobsmacked by the antics of parent drivers and pedestrians. Likewise, a parent who cares sent me a dash cam video of a van and car being thoughtlessly parked near the patrol area.
We will also continue to speak to anyone who does not use the crossing when the patrol team is on duty – this can only be described as idiotic behaviour and poor role modelling by some of our whanau.
We desperately need more parents to help with patrol duties. It is just 15 min of your time and we need you to help keep all of our children safe. A huge thank you to Kirk, Lynnda, Sharleen and Tony for your regular support – you are amazing! However, we also know that for most of this group it may be your last year of being associated with Rewa Rewa. So, we need to build up our volunteer base NOW. Failing this, it may be that we need to place every parent onto a rostered schedule.
ASC Programme
Our attendance numbers are slowly rising at After School Care. This is a board-operated service and as such, it has to make enough money to cover costs (such as wages for two staff each day), in order for us to continue to offer this service. With lower numbers returning this term, we are monitoring this very closely. We do not want to lose this service, but it relies on parents using it.
We have had 1 or 2 queries about the holiday programme being re-activated. We are currently unable to offer this until term attendance numbers increase and we are assured that lockdowns will not close operations. These 2 factors alone have the capacity to put the board at serious financial risk. In the meantime, please check Community Notices at the bottom of this newsletter for other holiday programmes that are available for people to use.