Newsletter 5, Term 2 Week 6 2020

18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037

Newsletter 5, Term 2 Week 6

Wednesday 20 May 2020


ONLY students and staff are permitted in classrooms during Alert Level 2.  Every child must have food and a water bottle in their bag on arrival at school (no drinking fountains during Level 2). Toys need to be kept at home, to avoid potential transfer of germs between school and home.   All onsite visitors must report to the school office via the main front door, following strict health and safety protocols. Please call prior to arrival.

Welcome back to our first ‘real’ newsletter of the term! We’ve had a wonderful ‘return to school’ start with 88% of our families arriving back onsite this week. It was so delightful to see the joy and hear the chatter from our students as they reconnected with their friends and teachers on their first day back. We think one of the reasons that the return has been so smooth is partly due to the thoughtful way our parents have helped to prepare children for this. This included several families organising for their children to arrive together in small groups, whilst the adults said goodbye further up the street – great idea!

Alert Level 2

Until we are advised by the Government to make changes in moving towards Alert Level 1, the current protocols for coming onsite will remain in place: sanitising, disinfecting and physical distancing. As we begin to make changes, such as all classes being allowed to play together, we will notify our community through email updates and via our website. So, please make sure that you access and read notices.

Board of Trustees News

ERO Review

Our schools confirmed report from the February 2020 ERO review visit has finally arrived and we are thrilled with our rating: Well Placed. Although the report is condensed to just 4 pages it represents and acknowledges the hours of work that our principal, staff, board and community have put into our school community since the last report 3 ½  years ago. We strongly urge you to read this document available via our website,, as it will give you a very clear indication as to what we value and what our strengths/next steps are.

Community Consultation – Developing our Localised Curriculum

In term 1 our parent community joined with the board and staff to discuss what was important to include in our localised school curriculum to make it more meaningful for our community. This event was also an opportunity to meet the professional development providers we are currently working with to help our teachers deliver high-quality curriculum to our learners. Attached to this newsletter is the summary report which captured the parent voice from this evening. Our next step will be to add student, board and teacher voice to this so that we can then create a draft curriculum plan, ready to share with our school community.

Teacher Only Days

The board previously notified our community about the two Teacher Only Days for 2020 which were attached to the term 1 holidays. Due to Level 4 Lockdown these professional development days had to be postponed. The new replacement dates have been transferred to each end of the term 2 holidays:

  • Friday 3 July Longworth Learning through Play
  • Monday 20 July DIMC maths


We are expecting that the fencing, which should have been completed last term, will start to be erected very soon. Our new 5YA Property Plan has just been submitted to the Ministry for approval. With this funding, we are aiming to upgrade toilets, repair drainage and concrete issues, as well as roofing and possibly have enough money to complete the junior playground, rather than relying on grant funding – watch this space.


Reporting to Parents

We will be reporting to our parents at the end of this term. However, the usual student report will be slightly adjusted, due to students being away from school for so many weeks during Lockdown. We believe that it is very important for parents to have updated information about their child’s progress and to have the opportunity to meet with teachers to discuss this. Therefore, 3-Way Interviews will be held at the beginning of term 3. Just a reminder, where students have parents living at different addresses, if both parties would like to receive information, such as school reports and invites to parent meetings, please email .

Although we have ‘lost’ 6 weeks of the school term, we still intend to complete mid-year written reports for most of our students at the end of this term. Students who have been at Rewa Rewa School for less than 10 weeks will be given a summary report of progress. For students who have an Individual IEP, reporting will be undertaken at the IEP meeting.


Our After School Care programme is now open and we have welcomed a number of our regulars back. At the moment we have space for new/casual enrolments.  Information and downloadable forms are available via our website or email for this to be sent home with your child.  Please note, we require at least 24 hours’ notice to process new enrolments.

Helping families

If you are aware of any families in our school community who need a hand, please let us know so that we can try to find a way of supporting them. We are also mindful that some parents in our community may also appreciate some free advertising for their business in our newsletter – please call or email the office to discuss how we can help you.

We welcome Shunya, Zoe & Uneeb, along with their families, to Rewa Rewa School.  We hope you enjoy your time with us.

We appreciate that those who turned 5 during Lockdown have not only missed having friends over for their birthdays, but also having transition visits to school. We are working with each family to develop a plan to support their child’s start programme. If you have not heard from us and were expecting a call, please email urgently.

Upcoming Events

Monday 01 June                                Queen’s Birthday, SCHOOL CLOSED

Thursday 02 July               3pm          End Term 2

Friday 03 July                                     Teacher Only Day, SCHOOL CLOSED

Monday 20 July                                 Teacher Only Day, SCHOOL CLOSED

Tuesday 21 July                                 Start Term 3

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18 Padnell Crescent Newlands Wellington 6037